How will Baby Boomers Empower Their Own Healthcare?

By Roderick Blount On 03/08/2020  

“I’ve come up with more and more questions about Medicare and turning 65.” Does this
sound like you? Ride the elevator or climb the stairs? Which one will offer the greatest health
and financial protection? If turning 65, you decide. With the winning number, baby boomers
have the option to select quality and affordability Healthcare coverage. Choose Medicare
benefits or a Medicare Advantage plan and negotiate the best price.

Baby Boomer Benefits You’ll Receive From Medicare Services
While riding the elevator, there will come a time when you have the option to immediately
consider an array of benefits for a seven month period, three months prior to age 65 and
three months after. The additional free or low cost benefits may include:

  • Dentistry

  • Vision

  • Hearing

  • Prescription drugs cost

  • Over-the-Counter products

  • Gym membership

  • Critical illness

What about those unexpected illnesses that lead to high costs. Avoid Penalties! Household
discounts and other strategies will help to manage financial challenges. Remember to contact
your certified local licensed insurance professional for assistance.

Be an early riser. Deadlines will be enforced, so use your time wisely. Licensed healthcare
professionals are accessible within your state and county. Ask questions. Receive solutions.
The challenges you and many others face will have solutions.

Click here , a certified licensed healthcare professional can help you free of charge!
Medicare contains the following:

Medicare Advantage

  • You keep your Medicare A and B

  • Compared Plans for your Service Area

  • Flexibility Dental, Vision, Hearing

  • Gym membership

  • Over-the-Counter products

  • Keep the same benefits year after year

  • No claims filing

  • Spousal / Household discounts available

Medicare Supplement

  • Keep original Medicare as your primary coverage

  • Compared Plans for your Service Area

  • Flexibility to see any Medicare approved health care professional

  • Keep the same benefits year after year

  • No claims filing

  • Spousal / Household discounts available

Instant Life Insurance Quotes

  • Comparisons from dozens of insurance companies

  • Simple Application Process

  • Plans for people with Pre Existing Conditions

  • Term and Permanent Plans offered

Roderick Blount of Community Alliance Network (CAN), a division of Assure Benefit

Agency, Inc. a 25 year business leader and a certified licensed healthcare professional,

has stepped forward to educate audiences and to offer one-on-one consultation - free

of charge, customizing plans that create quality coverage.

Customer Problems

One of his clients, Paulette Sampson worked for a company while receiving medical
coverage. After age 65, they failed to meet unexpected medical challenges as well as
monetary savings.

Eddie Tunstall, a Veteran’s Association member, described how time spent in Vietnam was
attributed to moments of uneasiness. He also spoke of his encounter with diabetes and other
healthcare concerns.

Some baby boomers have used inadequate medical coverage, and were also unaware of the
benefits that could have been received. Consultations with Roderick led to financial savings
and a host of unexpected benefits that various groups never knew existed.

Customer Stories:

A story described how unexpected benefits were received.

Paulette said,

“The connection occurred during conversations between Roderick and I when he mentioned
having similar challenges with his own mother. Healthcare coverage that restricts and limits
what will be provided costs a much higher price to maintain. I appreciated his honesty and
compassion. Roderick switched me over to a company where I have gained enormous
benefits. My first successful contact was visionary care. Being a small business owner, the
new healthcare option saved me from having to make any substantial withdrawals from the
business income. I’m grateful. As a result, I've told others about the benefits received.”
Another story discussed how an audience received benefits during a Veteran’s Association

Eddie stated,

“Roderick Blount showed a high regard for the membership audience. The trustworthiness
developed between himself and all of us led to further discussions about healthcare. The
professional relationship enabled me to receive treatment for diabetes and other ailments.
With these painful challenges, I was happy to become acquainted with the health benefits
received from Blue Cross Blue Shield. Rod has helped me to live a healthier lifestyle.”

The Veteran Association itself has offered quality services to its members with outstanding
support from professionals like Roderick Blount. The association has continued to rely upon
reputable skills that have delivered quality healthcare. Within the social network, there have
been other men and women whom Roderick has advised, whose military past created health
issues - these veterans carry a medicare (Red, White and Blue) card.

Community Alliance Network (CAN) will offer insurance professionals opportunities to connect
with customers and social communities who rely upon quality service. Take a closer look and
determine how a reputable partnership would enhance your business..

Baby Boomer Stairwell Benefits
Still working? As previously mentioned, healthcare coverage will be negotiable. Fluctuations
in cost vacillate like the stock market. If your business or place of employment does offer a
better cost, you have the choice to remain with them. Also remember that those who seek
Medicare coverage at a later date may apply under certain eligibility exceptions so long as
they remain under a business coverage. Alternatively, some elect to apply for Part A because
it’s free for those with ten years of employment.

Approaching age 65? Now you can know the options and benefits coming your way as well as
the professionals who will continue communicating with you regarding 2020 and 2021
healthcare year updates and other future changes that will take place.

Click here , a certified licensed healthcare professional can help you free of charge!